Friday, March 19, 2010

Mennonite Relief Sale

Tonight I went with some friends to the Mennonite Relief Sale in Bloomington. Now, back in the day, when I was a good Mennonite, I went to, helped with, baked for, sewed for, etc., etc. the relief sale which is one of, if not THE most hugest, all encompassing event that the Mennonites put on to benefit missions each year. However, I have not attended for probably at least 15 years or so. It was packed to the gills (or walls) with people - I saw old friends from Dillon Mennonite Church, old friends from Logos Church, friends from Riverside Community Church - there were people everywhere! And, of course, there were quilts and pies and rolls and cookies and popcorn and craft items and plants and things from other countries for sale. There were sandwiches and donuts and ice cream - just to name a few of the food goodies! Of course, there were lines and long lines and longer lines, but all in all it was very fun and encouraging to see that people will still unite for one purpose and try to make a difference. I bought some donuts, cinnamon rolls, a strawberry pie, 3 stones, and a little pouch. I had my eye on a scarf, but it was way too expensive. Fun purchases, and all for a good cause.


  1. Interesting indeed. I attended the first sale that was held in the sales barn in Congerville. It would be fun to go again...but I live in Central Florida now. When I was young I attended the Dillon Menn. church when John Troyer was pastor...Even attended Hesston College. The closest Menn. church is in Sarasota....

  2. Piano: you may know my mom and aunt, then, depending on your age. They attended Dillon Mennonite when they were young. By the time my family went there, John was just about retired and Bob Nafziger was taking over.
