Saturday, April 10, 2010

Around the big drum

Last friday night we had such a fun time drumming. Karen has obtained an old marching band bass drum (with only one head, so perfect as a floor drum) and our uncle put feet on it. So we sat around it for awhile at the end of our time and drummed together - the vibration of that big drum was amazing! It was really fun to feel like we were really producing one joint sound. Hmmmm. Doesn't take much to amuse me, does it? Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture, so I'll have to coerce Karen into taking one to post. If you've never participated in a group musical event, you really should consider joining us sometime - it's a great adventure.


  1. let's do a drum circle when we come to illinois. we'll be there july 20-25! also hope to get the little kids together with steve and vicki's!!!!

  2. Joan - that sounds like great fun - we have plenty of drums and shakers and the kids absolutely love to drum and "parade"! Can't wait to see you guys!
