Monday, April 26, 2010


Today I am making a choice to live in an attitude of gratitude. I intend to turn each situation into one where I can be thankful - I believe there's something in every situation to be glad about. May sound corny, but I really think that my attitude makes a difference in what kind of day I ultimately experience - you know, how you look at things sometimes changes things, even if that change is just a change in my view. For instance, I can start with a whole long list of things to be thankful for. I live in a nice house - not on the street; I slept in a warm bed last night - not on the floor; I had several choices for breakfast - there are those who are hungry this a.m.; I have a job to go to today - I'm not unemployed; I have people who love and support me - I'm not alone in this venture. And on and on I could go. Do I have everything I think I need? No. Are there things I would like to be different in my life? Yes. But when I look at the overview of it all and think of what could be in my life, I think I've got it pretty good. How will you look at your life today?

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