Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm behind!

Oh my! Time is flying by and each day I make a list of all I have to do and I TRY to accomplish each and every item because the next day will be another list and if I don't get all my first list done, I have to add those undone items to the next list, making it longer and enhancing the real possibility that I won't get that list done, which will make the next day's list longer - well, you get the idea! Normally I have all my decorating done, some of my baking done, more of my shopping done - this year is different! We also have a couple of family birthdays this month (Tanner & my brother Jim) and one of them (I won't throw Jim under the bus!) is a HUGE one! ha! I know I'm not alone in all the busyness of this time of year, but let me just encourage you (as I am myself) to take a little time out each day (or each week if that's all you can) and do nothing. Just sit - don't plan, don't organize, don't watch tv - nothing. Just let your mind and your body rest - even if just for a brief moment. You'll find that those little times of "re-booting" will make the rest of your life go easier! Have a nice weekend - and bundle up - I hear we could get our first batch of snow tonight!

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