Monday, May 10, 2010


I'm frustrated - now I know I'm somewhat of a perfectionist and expect alot; and I am acutely aware that I am in that "peri-menopausal" state of life which causes things to sometimes appear slightly larger than they really are, but still - I'm just saying, doesn't anyone have any pride in their work anymore? I do one small piece of advertising each year - not for the advertising really, but just to support the cause, and the printing company completely botched it last year (with no apology or financial restitution I might add) and has already not done twice what they said they would do for this year's ad and is now saying my payment is late, when I only received the bill in the mail today. Hmmmm...maybe part of this is because I used to work in the graphic design field myself and I know that with just a small amount of care and time spent, they could be taking better care of their customers (primarily me, since I'm the unhappy one right now), but really, shouldn't we care about the work we are putting out? Shouldn't we check out our facts before we start spewing them all over the place only to find out they're inaccurate? Shouldn't we at least apologize for our inaccuracies instead of just muttering out an "oh well". The sad thing to me is that I'm seeing this all over the place - most people are generally unconcerned about their customer service and/or the quality of work they're producing. No longer is it a concern for most if a company is going to keep a customer or not. No one worries over the unsatisfied customer who may be spreading the word around the community. And the saddest thing of all - this attitude is spreading rampantly through our work places, our schools, and our homes. Ok, now I've said my piece, but seriously, I want to make doubly sure that I do my best and require myself to do what's honorable and right in each situation. I believe we all owe that to each other.

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