Sunday, May 23, 2010

Too old for Games?

Meet Georgie. He is a little stuffed fish who visits my house and my friend Tracey's house spontaneously. I bought Georgie some time ago - another friend of mine gave me a Christmas decoration that is a fish - I named her Freida. But Freida is glass and would easily break, so I bought Georgie to be the object of a game that we play. Sometimes other people get involved to help us accomplish this game. It's loads of fun, and there really are no rules - here's how we play. Whoever found Georgie at their house, "sends" Georgie to the other person - by whatever means, whenever they wish, and however they wish. When Georgie comes to you, you may keep him however long you like, then get him back over to the other person. The fun of the game comes in with this: it's always kept secret. I never tell Tracey I found Georgie from wherever she hid him for me and she never lets me know she found him - you only know when you find him again in your possession. We never speak of him - in fact, she may not even know I named him "Georgie"! The challenge, of course, is to keep from telling - if I think of a particularly clever idea, it's hard for me to keep it to myself - and to not let the other person know when you pass Georgie back to them. Georgie has turned up under my pillow, in my medicine cabinet, in my car, at my shop - just to name a few. I think it's particularly fun when he comes right back quickly or conversely, when it's been a long time and I've actually forgotten about the game - then there he appears. What does this silly game do? Everytime I find Georgie, it reminds me of my friend Tracey - how much her friendship means to me and especially if I'm having a hard day, it reminds me that someone is thinking of me. I haven't sent Georgie through the mail yet - now there's an idea! If you have a good thought of how and where Georgie can travel to Tracey, just let me know!

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