Thursday, October 7, 2010

Amazing Creatures!

We are, by design, such amazing creatures. I marvel when I think of all the intricacies of the connections of our muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, etc. - just what it takes to keep the physical part of ourselves functioning. But I'm also intrigued and amazed with the other parts of ourselves - the soul, the spirit, our emotions, our minds - it is truly amazing. I, for one, lead a very busy (sometimes chaotic) life - so much so that I tend to function on "autopilot" sometimes - often missing some of the things in my life that should be paid closer attention to. Until, that is, something comes along that demands my attention. In my physical self that would be an ache or a pain, being tired or something like that. In my "emotional" self (for lack of a better term right now) it can also be an ache or a pain - a disappointment, loss of someone I care about, etc. Recently something happened to me that made me come face to face with the realization that a person whom I previously thought was my friend, really isn't my friend. We were only "casual" friends and hadn't seen each other for awhile, but when something big happened in this person's life, they didn't include me - it hurt my feelings for awhile, and so I had to stop and think about it. I realized then, that there are alot of emotions and feelings, reactions to things, happening inside me everyday that I never take the time to evaluate or give affirmation to - unless they "scream" at me by being painful. As I tell my massage patients, pain is your body's way of trying to communicate to you that something is amiss - don't ignore that message until it's so painful and then, consequently, harder to heal. I'm kinda trying to take my own advice, only as it pertains to my emotional/intellectual life - maybe if I tune into my feelings instead of rushing past them on the way to my busy life, I'll be more on top of who I am and how I feel about things. Hmmm...something to ponder.

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