Tuesday, October 12, 2010


And now for a "philosophical" twist - something to ponder. Without the assistance of wind, birds, or squirrels, what makes a leaf fall from a tree? As I stood outside Saturday morning, I heard a slight rustling in my tree out front and watched as a leaf fell to the ground. No birds, no wind, no squirrels - nothing else happening, just this leaf falling. That's what made me wonder - what makes the leaf fall. Does it simply "lose it's grip" or does it know instinctively it's "time to let go"? Hmmm. I looked on the internet but only found answers to why leaves change color (something about length of night and chlorophyll and some other big words). Then as we drove along a big "bang" noise occurred and we decided (since we were driving in a neighborhood with trees overhanging the street) that a walnut must have fallen at precisely that moment and landed on the roof of the car. Hmmm again. Why that moment? I could turn now to a big symbolic discussion about similarities to this leaf and nut and passing time and events in our lives - about hanging on too tightly and too long or abandoning ourselves to change, etc. - but I think I'll let you do that in your mind - now that I got you thinking in that direction! Enjoy the beauty of this season all around you today and let it speak to you in whatever way it can!

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