Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life Begins at 50!

Hmmm..ever heard that saying - life begins at 50? To be perfectly honest, having turned 50, and now having also turned 51, I have to say, I've had my doubts. However, it is true that I have experienced some things that I had not, in my previous 49 years experienced. Some are not fun - i.e., dry skin, forgetfulness, being more tired, etc., etc. - things that go with the aging process. But a couple things I have experienced probably have been experienced by alot of you previous to your 50's (if you're as old as me). Remember last fall when we re-modeled Studio 4:13 (where my shop is located)? I told you then that I painted for the first time in my life - didn't do too bad, if I do say so myself. It wasn't difficult, but I had just never been afforded the opportunity. Well, this fall (as in yesterday) I experienced Spoon River Drive for the first time. Previously, all I had heard was traffic, people, rain, cold, on and on the complaints continued, so I never indulged in such activity. But this time, my cousin Karen called me and enticed me with different words - kettlecorn, stones, crafts, jewelry, etc. So off we went on a road trip. Karen drove since she knew more what she was doing - we went down to Lewistown to check things out since she hadn't been there before, came up through Avon - over to London Mills for kettlecorn for Mal (Karen says London Mills has the best) then over to the shed for a brief stop at 2 rock vendors before meeting up with our other friends in Farmington. Ribeye sandwiches were wonderful, kettlecorn was fresh and delicious, and no way could anyone ever (even in the 4 day event) see everything there was to see. We did have to sit in traffic a couple times, but we just visited and chatted and had a wonderful time. I'm thinking it might just be ok to do a few things I had not experienced before - maybe I should make a list of "Things to do in my 50's". But for now, I confer, the cliche' stands - "life begins at 50".

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