Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby it's COLD outside! reminds me of that song - actually that's about all I remember of it - I have singing penguins that belt it out when you push a button! Anyway, I was just thinking about winter and cold and what happens during that season in our world and in my heart. My daughter's birthday is today, so I was thinking about that day 26 years ago and about new life starting. And I think that's partially what the winter, the "cold" time in our lives is for - it seems, anyway, that during those times when I feel like not much is progressing or happening, like things just are without much forward movement, that's when things are happening on my inside - learning lessons about life (yes, even at my age, I'm still learning - seems the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know squat!), about relationships, about boundaries - some of those harder things that take some contemplation and meditation to really fully embrace. So, I guess those "cold" days where I kinda pull inside and ponder and become pensive are really ok, because I'm making way for the impending spring with all the new life and new colors, and yes, the warmth of the sun!

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