Friday, September 25, 2009


Yesterday as I was doing a massage (sometimes when I get my most interesting revelations - maybe because my mind is clear of most things except the healing process and being tuned into what my patient needs), I was thinking about a situation, when, wham-o, all of a sudden, the veil was lifted and I saw something extremely and painfully clear about myself - yuk! It was not something pleasant, either. I hate it when that happens. It was so quick and so clear, it was almost scarey. I thought to myself, "no - it can't be true"! It is soooooooo hard to see myself as I actually am or as someone else sees me. I so want to be the person that has it all together and has it all figured out and is doing the do, walking the walk. Bummer. Then the spotlight shines, and for just the briefest of moments, in my mind, I see myself from someone else's eyes in a certain situation, and, quite frankly, it's not fun. I guess the point is to learn from these glimpses of truth and make changes where I can - make a new habit, if you will. So please be patient with me and have mercy, friends, because I apparently don't always see myself as I really am.

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