Monday, September 14, 2009


As most of you already know, I am a massage therapist with my own business - Soothing Moments Massage. I love my work. I do wish though, that everyone had a better understanding of the concept of massage. Alot of people think that massage is just a "luxury" or something done to "pamper" oneself - but it is far from just that. Massage is a viable method of alternative healthcare for helping to keep your body in balance - helping to prevent sickness and disease from invading your body due to stress or other contributing factors. Consistent massages will help lower your blood pressure, increase your circulation, and alleviate your pain, just to name a few. Bob Hope and George Burns each had a massage everyday of their adult lives and they lived to be old! Why don't you consider doing something for your health? Call and schedule a massage today - you'll be glad you did. Oh yeah - each therapist has a different technique, so find one that fits your budget, your schedule, your personality - and go regularly. You owe it to yourself.

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