Friday, October 2, 2009


We are having a baby shower this weekend in honor of my niece, Amy and her husband's soon to be arrival of their first baby - a boy. That made me start thinking about my own experience of motherhood. In what other role in life will you experience practically the whole gambit of emotions, feelings, and happenings? You'll be sad, happy, proud, embarrassed, lack information, have too much information (there are some things a mother shouldn't have to know!). You'll be worried, loved, scared, hated (not really, but they'll say it), excited, and on and on and on. All in all, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. When I was raising three teenagers, people would ask me if I wished they were smaller again - but actually I enjoyed each stage of my kids' growing up years. Each stage was different from the other, but not one better than the other. I still enjoy them now that they are grown adults themselves - very fine adults if I do say so myself. In the end, I would have to say it is quite a privilege and an honor to be allowed by God to be a mother. It's a hard job - but the rewards far outweigh the hardships.

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