Friday, December 4, 2009


Well, no one could have foreseen it - one of those freaky, flukey happenings that occurs for no apparent reason at no certain time and to random people - rarely happens to me, but it appears that today was my day. There was nothing exciting happening, nothing out of the ordinary. Mal and I were in the kitchen, I was popping popcorn for our open house tomorrow and Mal was putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher. The next events, while they seemed to happen in slow motion, I am relatively sure only took seconds. Mal was over by the cupboards, I stepped back, not realizing the dishwasher door was open, ran into said door, lost my footing and fell flat on my rear, on top of the dishwasher door, (breaking it) and my head snapped back, hitting the latch hook with a bang. Lots of blood, $207 at the doctor's office, and 3 stitches later, I was back home, wondering how in the world that all happened. Good news is I'm fine - a little headache, a little soreness, but it'll all be a distant memory soon. And, as is the Moldenhauer fashion, we had quite a few laughs along the way, which I'm sure will be relived everytime we tell the story.

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