Friday, December 11, 2009


First, may I just say I'm sorry to all of you whom my ignorance has effected. Sorry. I was so proud of myself for getting my Christmas cards all addressed and into the mail in a very timely manner this year. However, much to my chagrin a couple of people had said they had to pay postage due on my card - I just thought a couple of my stamps must have been old and fallen off. Imagine my surprise when I walked across the street to my mailbox this a.m. and found that one of the cards had been returned for insufficient postage. Now these cards are small - lightweight regular cards that I bought at the store - no homemade gadgets or anything. So, since I had to go to the post office anyway, I took said returned card with me to inquire. Wow! Imagine my surprise (which turned to horror as I realized I sent out about 50 of these) when she said, "oh, they're not too heavy - it's because it's square. Square cards don't fit in some of the machines, so they get kicked out. Therefore, you have to put 20 extra cents postage on them". Oh my goodness. The envelopes didn't say extra postage due like those big birthday cards you can buy. I was completely ignorant and in the dark regarding this post office rule - I honestly thought it went by weight - certainly not by shape. And so for my ignorance, and your subsequent cost of 20 cents to get my Christmas card out of hock, I sincerely apologize! Learn something new everyday, eh?

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